There are 5 Misconceptions
New Agents Have When Getting 

Into Real Estate 

1) You get a lot of free time.
Biggest misconception – you are starting a personal business, and like all new businesses you spend 70-80 hours a week building your book of business.

The time you think will be free, evenings and weekends will actually be spent with clients who have the same free time. So the sports your children might be in, dinners, vacations with family, these all become less available.

2) Real estate is easy

This has to be the biggest misconception
of them all.

There are so many rules, marketing, lead generation, client follow-up, sifting and sorting prospects, techniques, and negotiation skills that need to be mastered.

There is a reason 50% get out of real estate within the first 2 years, then 80% within the next 3 years

3) All your friends and family will hunt you down to help them buy or sell a house

Sadly most of your friends and family will shy away from you, or avoid the real estate questions altogether.

Until you earn the right to be told the truth, you will find out afterward someone has bought or sold a home. 

4) You make tons of money in real estate and there are no costs

Major misconception

Real estate costs money for marketing, education, memberships (NWMLS, Association of realtors, office fees, license fees, business cards, letterhead, signs, key boxes, marketing material, and websites).

The cost of meeting clients for showings, and open houses.

5)  You can do real estate part time – no problem!

You have a limited right to practice real estate law.

NAR DANGER report – 68% of practicing agents should not be doing so as they have a lack of knowledge, business plan, education related to the field of real estate, no follow up or systems, don’t understand the forms or rules clearly.

Skills must be honed to best represent your client – if you were a cardiac surgeon and only did one surgery a year, how proficient would you be?

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